Business Development 101 for Lawyers: Part 2

In Part 1 of this 3 part series, we looked at how business development tactics assist in attracting new clients, client retention and revenue growth. Also, how it is managed in firms that take a structured approach to business development. In Part 2 of this 3 part series, we discuss the tools that support business […]
Business Development 101 for Lawyers: Part 1

In Part 1 of this 3 part series, we look at how business development tactics assist in attracting new clients, client retention and revenue growth. Also, how it is managed in firms that take a structured approach to business development. Part 2 and 3 discusses the tools that support business development. Lawyers need business development […]
Objective Coding – What is it?
Document review can be amongst the most labour-intensive and expensive aspects of the discovery process. We assist thousands of clients with the document review process through objective coding, which makes document review faster and less expensive. The metadata captured from the documents during the coding process can be uploaded into any review platform and will […]
Why you should care about metadata

The frequently used definition of “data about data” provides a simple but adequate explanation for this increasingly important element of electronically stored information (ESI). Without realising it, you have probably viewed metadata many times by clicking on a document’s “properties” and checking the date it was created or who last edited it. The question remains […]
Tips for LinkedIn Beginners – Part 2

In part two of this two part series, we’ll be focusing on how commercial law firms can improve the Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) of their firm’s LinkedIn account and how to measure success on LinkedIn over time. If you remember from Part 1, SEO relates to Google ranking. It’s the process of improving the quality and […]
Digital Forensics for Family Law

Family law disputes are amongst the most sensitive cases presented in the Australian courts. Digital forensics is becoming a necessary tool for supporting claims made in family court. Whilst digital forensics is more commonly used by the defence or prosecution in criminal investigations, it holds some merit with family law cases as well. From divorcing […]
Tips for LinkedIn Beginners – Part 1

In this two part series, we’ll be providing some information to help commercial law firms get started on LinkedIn and also help lawyers improve their individual LinkedIn profiles. For a law firm, it’s important that LinkedIn is utilised at two levels; the lawyer’s individual LinkedIn accounts and the firm’s company LinkedIn account. The individuals’ accounts […]
Law In Order ePrint App: A New Approach

Our Innovation Lab has developed a new, innovative ePrint application that provides additional efficiency for all our client’s print jobs. This streamlining means we can provide greater value to our clients on any size printing project. “Completing printing for clients is often about handling complex jobs efficiently, giving them more time to focus on their […]
Four Reasons to Outsource Uplifting of Subpoena Documents

Working out the requirements of each jurisdiction for accessing and reproducing subpoenaed documents at court, tribunals and commissions can be time-wasting and a headache. In this article, we discuss the top four reasons to outsource accessing and reproducing subpoena documents. 1. Different Procedures in Different Courts Each Court and tribunal has their own processes and procedures […]
Information Governance and Litigation Readiness

Gone are the days of producing ten relevant folders in hard copy form, that hold all of the required information. Today we live in a data driven society. Organisations are having to manage and store exponentially increasing volumes of data from a seemingly limitless number of applications and devices. Agile work practices, spurred by the COVID-19 […]