How Does Electronic Index Creation Work?

How Does Electronic Index Creation Work?

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Having one true source for all the documents in your matter saves time and reduces the risk of missing key documents.  Compiling an accurate index can be a time-consuming, fiddly and often annoying project – especially if scanning hardcopy material is involved or you do not have the right software to assist with electronic material.

We hyperlink indexes for fast retrieval by creating and updating indexes to lighten the load for legal teams. These electronic indexes can be used for matter review, briefs to counsel, lists of documents and trial bundles.  The final product is a Word or Excel document with embedded hyperlinks.  The hyperlinks will link to the collated bundle of electronic documents.  These documents can be made fully text searchable.  Indexes can be made either to your preference, in our standard format or following any court requirements. 

To help create your electronic index, we have workflows for hard copy, electronic documents or a mix of both.  For hardcopy documents or electronic documents without accurate metadata (digital fingerprint/document details), we manually enter the document description and relevant fields to create the Index (Objective Coding). For electronic documents that have accurate document metadata (eg. emails), we have a tool that can pull that information into the index meaning no Objective Coding is required.   Our experts will review your documents to provide you with the best workflow for time and cost efficiencies.

In the Infographic below, we provide an overview of the process of creating an electronic index from hard copy or electronic documents and outline the benefits of using electronic indexes. We also briefly describe our supplementary services that can support the process if required such as data collection, document counts and printing.


Contact our team today if you need assistance with your next electronic index.

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