Find documents faster with SmartBundle’s powerful search tools! From quick searches to advanced Boolean queries, streamline your workflow and stay...
Effortlessly manage and navigate your hearing bundles with SmartBundle’s powerful hyperlinking features! Whether you’re dealing with large case files or...
Here is a sneak peak on the platform interface. A Simplifed dashboard to easily compile, index, and paginate documents with...
Explore how Law In Order’s SmartBundle solution streamlines your eHearing process by consolidating all essentials into a single, secure platform....
SmartBundle is designed to make eBrief and eTrial preparation effortless. This platform brings together all essential case materials in an...
Discover how Law In Order’s SmartBundle solution streamlines your eBrief and eTrial process by consolidating all essentials into a single,...
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The SmartBundle Training Guide is available for all registered users of SmartBundle. If you require access or additional training, please contact our support team.
Our support team is available to assist with any technical issues during hearings. We provide real-time troubleshooting, ensuring minimal disruption to proceedings.
Yes, we offer free consultations and live demonstrations to help you understand how SmartBundle can streamline your eBrief and eTrial process. Simply submit an enquiry to schedule a session.
Yes, SmartBundle is designed to meet various court and regulatory requirements. If you have specific needs, our team can help configure the platform accordingly.