Law In Order Wins Legal Technology Service Provider Award

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Australasian Lawyer and NZ Lawyer have announced the best legal service providers for 2022 and Law In Order is proud to be selected for its eHearings technology.

The awards spotlight the providers that are delivering the most effective and transformative solutions across areas such as legaltech; legal services; litigation support and consulting; recruiting, staffing and outsourcing; and ADR and mediation.


Why Law In Order?

We Are the Innovators

Law In Order have led the way in virtual hearings. We began conducting virtual matters prior to the pandemic, as the Hong Kong civil unrest in 2019 led to complications with an International Arbitration. The matter was moved to Singapore’s Maxwell Chambers. However, some critical matters required timely resolve before the in-person Singapore hearings commenced. These hearings were our first virtual hearings ever conducted approximately 3 months prior to the pandemic. Consequently, we were well equipped to support clients the moment COVID-19 drove increased demand for virtual hearings.

We Led the Way During the Pandemic

We have seen hybrid hearings increase in prevalence since the pandemic began and adopting a hybrid mode has become the preferred way to conduct hearings for some firms. Considering each state and jurisdiction have different rules and COVID-19 related restrictions in place that can swiftly change at any time, the necessity to embrace hybrid hearing environments is more important than ever. They are flexible and adaptable to changing restrictions that may disrupt the running of a matter, which is why they have become a priority in the evolving legal landscape amid the pandemic. Clearly some people prefer to participate in-person, but this isn’t always possible. We have carefully considered all aspects of a practitioner’s engagement in a hearing and have designed our hybrid hearing solution to ensure this same quality of engagement translates into a virtual forum.

The legal industry in Australia has ultimately embraced both virtual and hybrid hearings. Courts of law, arbitration centres, Royal Commissions and Commissions of Inquiry have continued to conduct legal matters embracing the latest innovations in remote and virtual operations to ensure that access to justice continues. The Federal Court of Australia has also sweepingly embraced Virtual Trials.

International Experience and Reach

In a world first, the virtual arbitration comprised of Remote Real-Time Transcription and Remote Evidence Presentation (by EPE & Expert Witnesses) services accessible via the Law In Order hosted virtual arbitration solution. Hearing participants attended from London, Singapore, Bangkok, The Hague, Sydney, Perth, Melbourne, Vancouver, Washington and Geneva.

Contact our expert team for your next eHearing.

About the Awards

In February 2022, Australasian Lawyer and NZ Lawyer opened the window to nominations for their first-ever Service Provider Awards, inviting service providers across Australia and New Zealand to put forward their companies for consideration.

The awards spotlight the providers that are delivering the most effective and transformative solutions across areas such as legaltech; legal services; litigation support and consulting; recruiting, staffing and outsourcing; and ADR and mediation.

The editorial and research teams across both publications reviewed the vendors’ submissions, and nominees were evaluated mainly on the strength and process of their service delivery, with the most important factor being how these providers made legal professionals’ lives more efficient through their products and services. The judges also considered the providers’ innovativeness and R&D commitment.

A total of 35 organisations stood out based on these criteria, becoming the 2022 winners of the Australasian Lawyer and NZ Lawyer Service Provider Awards.

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